The initial consultation enables us to visit your garden, assess the potential of the site. We will take photos of the site, as well as take a detailed design brief from you and come back to you with your garden vision. For more details contact us....
We can arrange a detailed topographical survey of your garden which will convey the features and levels of land, convey site relief with contours and demonstrate the proximity of existing detail. This forms the basis of your new design
The concept design is the first tangible visualisation of your proposed garden 'dream scheme' and will be the discussion document which will allow the design to change and evolve. For more information, please contact us...
You will receive a detailed masterplan, which will have taken into account any changes emerged during the concept stage. It will include: Computer generated 3d photo-realistic stills & walkthrough, layout plans, construction drawings, setting out plans & specifications, planting scheme, visuals & care guide.
We design full planting plans showing the exact location and names of all plants within the scheme, as well as producing a schedule listing all plants and numbers required for the scheme.
We can recommend our preferred garden contractors to build our gardens. A good liaison between the chosen contractor, client and designer will help to realise the full potential of the project. We can undertake either an advisory role for this stage or manage the project
Plant sourcing & setting out of plants ready for planting. We also offer a planting service Wildlife garden consultancy Gardening Advice Eco-therapy - Health & wellbeing in the garden
During these unprecedented times we can still offer our full garden design service - we can visit your garden and will adhere to the socially distancing rules - alternatively this service can be achieved remotely by use of photo's/video/zoom/whatspp etc.. This service will also be available for designs further afield. For more information, please contact us....